Fiera SENCON Senegal 2025

From February 6th to 8th, 2025, Studio Dedalo will participate in Sencon Senegal 2025 in Dakar, an important international trade fair dedicated to construction, housing, and infrastructure, in collaboration with AIC Groupe and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Senegal. This prestigious event offers a

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OPEN! 2024

Once again this year, Studio Dedalo will be present at the event Open! Open Studios 2024, organized by the Order of Architects of the Province of Savona and the CNAPPC, which will be held on the Trento and Trieste promenade, Prolungamento area in Savona.  

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AIAC – Nuove normalità 23-24-27-28-29-30 May

We are honored to announce that our project presented in Schio has been selected to participate in the next stage of “New Normalities” organized by AIAC, taking place in Rome at the OIKOS showroom from May 23rd to 30th (followed by Favara in June).  

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AIAC Schio Award – Nuove Normalità

On May 3rd and 4th, Studio Dedalo had the pleasure of participating in the exhibition “New Normalities – Spaces, Architecture, and People,” curated by AIAC and held in Schio (VI).   The event provided an excellent opportunity to explore a snapshot of Italian architecture through

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Edilsocial EXPO 9-10-11 october 2023

Edilsocialexpo is the first sector exhibition designed to connect manufacturing companies, the most important international design studios and buyers directly at the fair. Represents a concrete commercial partnership opportunity.   Our location will be at pavilion H12 (near the event area) inside the Expo Center

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Lighting Fixtures – DIAPASON

The new Diapason© lighting fixture line was born from the synergy between Studio Dedalo, Ambiente Luce from Cuneo, and GLIP from Treviso, which handled the production and commercialization, incorporating the products into its extensive catalog.   The Diapason by Dedalo © series aims to combine

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Urban Furniture Line – DOMINO

In collaboration with LAB23 from Venice and Ambiente Luce from Cuneo, we have designed and created a customized line of urban furniture that is now available in the catalog (   The new line, Domino by Dedalo ©, has been conceived with minimalist and geometric

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Dedalo Associati Studio participated in the 61st edition of the Milan Furniture Fair, which showcased an unparalleled range of design innovations. This year, the Milan Furniture Fair takes on a different form, with a rethinking of the format in an innovative and contemporary way, along

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Designer Partner of 100 Italian Projects

Rome, December 12, 2022. Dedalo Studio has been honored with the “Designer Partner of 100 Italian Projects” award for the urban redevelopment and environmental recovery project of the Castello Borelli complex in Borghetto Santo Spirito (SV), in collaboration with OAB Studio – Carlos Ferrater (masterplan)

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New Opening CONAD Superstore Vallecrosia

A new Conad Superstore located at 107 Via Roma in Vallecrosia opened to the public this morning.   For Dedalo Studio, this marks the achievement of a significant milestone, thanks in part to the dedication of the Masala company and the municipal technicians who have

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“La Riviera” ‘s News

The redevelopment works of the Former Tonet Areas in Vallecrosia are almost completed! An area of about five thousand square meters that will host a large retail facility, parking lots, green areas, and new roads. The project also includes the creation of outdoor areas intended

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“Il Secolo XIX” ‘s News

After the construction of the Conad hypermarket, the planning for the new outdoor areas for the school and the new building to be used as the municipal library begins in the Former Tonet Areas of Vallecrosia.

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IN/arch2020 Award

Dedalo Associati Studio is awarded at Lavazza headquarters in Turin for having won the In/Arch 2020 award in the special categories of Willis Towers Watson Prize and Vimar Special Prize. Thanks to the jury and the team!

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