
OPEN! 2024

Once again this year, Studio Dedalo will be present at the event Open! Open Studios 2024, organized by the Order of Architects of the Province of Savona and the CNAPPC, which will be held on the Trento and Trieste promenade, Prolungamento area in Savona.


This event was created with the idea of representing in the broadest sense the entire category and not only the single professional activity, to bring the architect closer to the citizen and to make people understand the importance of architecture and the figure of the architect.


The project on display recounts the intervention in the realization of the lakefront promenade in Breil-sur-Roya, in the French Alps, in which, for the first time, we employed our line of street furniture and street lighting made in collaboration with the companies LAB23 and GLIP.


Starting from the initial sketch, passing through the development of the design idea and arriving at the realization of the first prototypes, our intention has always been to express our vision of an architecture that harmonizes functionality, aesthetics and respect for the environment.

We look forward to seeing you!